I just wanted to publicly thank the folks at Draft Kings for being good people.
I started with Draft Kings on April 7th utilizing one of their deposit bonus offers for matching funds. Once I got into the site as a paying player, I noticed something a bit troubling on my account page. It stated that my deposit bonus, if unused would expire four months down the road on August 7th. I did the math, as you might expect, and I knew it would be extraordinarily difficult to play enough games with my deposit to recoup the bonus. I sent a stupid email to them then ranting about it, as I sometimes do when my passions are roused.
Anyway, I decided to punt the issue down the road a bit. I figured we have four months to see how it plays out on Draft Kings. As we approached the two-weeks-til-expiration date, I decided to send them another email, in a more pleasant and reasoned tone. The contents of which are in the top photo on the left.
I stated my case as to how I benefited them as a customer, asking for an extension of time on my deposit bonus, and their very first reply was simply, and I'm paraphrasing here, "No big deal, you're a good customer, we'll go ahead and give you til the end of the year."
Somewhere in the pages of this website is a paragraph about this problem with the deposit bonus. I'd just like to add to the official record that Draft Kings will consider you for extension should you ask. The reply was so matter of fact, I'm tempted to believe that anyone could get one of these should they ask. I understand why they put a time limit on these things, and I'm kind of surprised that other sites don't. Any money promised to me, and the million other players, even if unused still lists as a liability on their books. If they are on the hook for $5 to a half a million players, that's $2.5 million that simply subtracts from perceived profitability, even if most of this money will or can never be redeemed. But I digress...
As I said at the beginning, I wanted to publicly thank Draft Kings for there generosity and understanding.
Anyway, I decided to punt the issue down the road a bit. I figured we have four months to see how it plays out on Draft Kings. As we approached the two-weeks-til-expiration date, I decided to send them another email, in a more pleasant and reasoned tone. The contents of which are in the top photo on the left.
I stated my case as to how I benefited them as a customer, asking for an extension of time on my deposit bonus, and their very first reply was simply, and I'm paraphrasing here, "No big deal, you're a good customer, we'll go ahead and give you til the end of the year."
As I said at the beginning, I wanted to publicly thank Draft Kings for there generosity and understanding.
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