But then something happened today that I think will be just if not more important than Yahoo entering the fray.
I play on Victiv.com, and I like their game. It's a bit different with it's lack of individual pitching and it's hitter replacement concept. I joined there for two basic reasons: (1) it had the best offerings for a person looking at the game, before deciding to deposit, and (2) it has the lowest commission structure in all of DFS.
Today, they sent me an email that I think, might change DFS forever.
They announced that Amaya, Inc, a multi-billion dollar international gaming company out of Montreal, Canada has bought them out and they will be transitioning me, and other Victiv members like me, to Starsdraft.com, without changes to our accounts in a seamless manner as soon as it is ready.
This is a huge backer, and the first of what I believe will be several takeovers of DFS Sites. And I'll admit I didn't see this one coming. Amaya is a publicly traded company on the Toronto exchange and their stocks along are worth nearly $4 Billion dollars. It's no Yahoo, but who is and it vaults the Starsdraft/Victiv Daily Fantasy into the position of second deepest pockets. And it has synergies that rival if not surpass Yahoo.
There are two aspects of Daily Fantasy. The first mirrors the wants and desires of the Fantasy Sports enthusiast, which Yahoo hopes to capitalize on. The second is for the gamblers out there, and that's what Poker Stars brings to the table, being the largest online poker community in the world. I think it will be easier to teach gamblers about a game based on baseball or football, that to teach baseball or football fans how to gamble effectively.
But more importantly, Victiv had always tried to be innovative, and with the takeover, new innovations will probably be very gambler friendly, as that is what there ownership is used to managing in their customers: the gambler's wants and needs. If they make the new Starsdraft site, the "gambler's choice" for DFS, it could change the industry. I have hopes to push the site share down, as this is key to retaining any but the most devoted DFS player.
I think this new influx of competition from big players from both sides of the DFS spectrum will make DFS better in the long run. It's an exciting day in this little world of ours, and I bet you didn't even know it.
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